Curriculum for the specialty of electronic and control engineering technologies

Pedigree table
Type of Requirement Compulsory Optional Total Percentages % (Total Units for the Requirement / Total Total for Graduation) * 100 Required Percentages
University 20 2 22 14.56% (10-15)%
College 31 — 31 20.53% (16-22)%
Section 86 12 98 64.91% (63-74)%
Total graduation 151 100% 100%
First academic level
Type of Requirement Course Name Number of Theoretical Hours Number of Practical Hours Number of Units Course Code
In Arabic, in English
University requirements Human rights 1 1 NTU100
democracy democracy 1 1 NTU106
Computer principles 1 1 2 2 NTU102
Computer principles 2 1 2 2 NTU103
language Arabic 2 2 NTU104
Collegiate Elective (Sport) Sport 1 1 2 NTU105
University elective (French language) French language 2 2 NTU107
English language 1 2 2 NTU101
College Requirements Mathematics 1 Math 1 2 2 TECK101
Engineering drawing 1 2 2 TECK103
Laboratories (mechanical workshop) Mechanical workshop 3 1 TECK104
Mathematics 2 Math 2 2 2 TECK102
Engineering mechanics (Static) 3 3 TECK105
Department requirements Electrical circuits 1 Electrical circuits 1 3 2 4 ECE100
Electrical circuits 2 Electrical circuits 2 3 2 4 ECE102
Electronics 2 Electronics 2 2 2 3 ECE103
Electronics 1 2 2 3 ECE104
Electrical and Electronics workshop 3 1 ECE105
Total 37
The second academic level
Type of Requirement Course Name Number of Theoretical Hours Number of Practical Hours Number of Units Course Code
University requirements in Arabic and English
Professional ethics 2 2 NTU201
English language 2 English language 2 2 2 NTU200
College Requirements Mathematics 3 Math 3 3 3 TECK201
Math 4 Math 4 3 3 TECK202
Physics 2 2 TECK203
Summer training 1 Summer training 1 0 TECK204
Department requirements Electromagnetic fields 1 Electromagnetic fields 1 3 3 ECE200
Electronic circuits 1 2 2 3 ECE201
Digital electronics 1 2 2 3 ECE202
Measurement systems 1 Measurement systems 1 2 2 3 ECE203
Electromagnetic fields 2 Electromagnetic fields 2 3 3 ECE204
Electronic circuits 2 2 2 3 ECE205
Digital electronics 2 2 2 3 ECE206
Measurement systems 2 Measurement systems 2 2 2 3 ECE207
Optional Dept. elective 3 ECE208
programming language 1 2 2 ECE209
Total 29 14 41
Elective subjects for the second stage – department requirements

Special Topic in Electrical circuit
Special Topic in Electronics
FPGA principles (Field programmable Gate array)
Third academic level
Type of Requirement Course Name Number of Theoretical Hours Number of Practical Hours Number of Units Course Code
In Arabic, in English
University requirements English language 3 English language 3 2 2 NTU300
College requirements Engineering analysis 3 3 TECK300
Numerical Analysis 2 2 3 TECK301
Summer training 2 Summer training 2 0 TECK302
Department Requirements Control theory 1 Control theory 1 2 2 3 ECE300
Computer architecture 2 2 3 ECE301
Power electronics 1 Power electronics 1 2 2 3 ECE302
Communications principles 2 2 3 ECE303
Control theory 2 Control theory 2 2 2 3 ECE304
Microcontrollers 2 2 3 ECE305
Power electronics 2 Power electronics 2 2 2 3 ECE306
Optional Dept. elective 3 ECE307
Optional Dept. elective 3 ECE308
Total 22 14 35
Elective subjects for the third stage – Department requirements

Digital communications
Electrical networks
Fourth academic level
Type of Requirement Course Name Number of Theoretical Hours Number of Practical Hours Number of Units Course Code
In Arabic, in English
University Requirements Scientific Research Methodology 2 2 NTU410
English language 4 English language 4 2 2 NTU400
College Requirements Graduation Project 1 Project 1 3 1 TECK401
Graduation Project 2 Project 2 3 1 TECK403
Engineering Project Management project management 3 3 TECK400
Engineering Economics 2 2 TECK402
Department requirements Computer networks 2 2 3 ECE400
Digital control 1 Digital control 1 2 2 3 ECE401
Control of power systems 1 Control of power systems 1 2 2 3 ECE402
Digital signal processing 2 2 3 ECE403
Digital control 2 2 2 3 ECE404
Control of power systems 2 Control of power systems 2 2 2 3 ECE405
Modeling and simulation 2 2 3 ECE406
Robotics and Automations 2 2 3 ECE407
Optional Dept. elective 3 ECE408
Total 22 20 38
Optional subjects for the fourth stage – department requirements

Electrical machines
Internet of things
Special Electric motor