The Department of Environment and Pollution Engineering was created in 2011 to be the sixth engineering department in the Technical Engineering College of Kirkuk.
Environment and pollution engineering aims to prepare a technical engineer with the ability to solve various environmental problems and reduce pollution of all kinds
(Water – Air – Soil) Distinguished educational programs are taught to students within the specialization or in general in the department in addition to
Teaching proper scientific analysis skills. The first course was graduated in 2014-2015, when the number of graduated courses reached seven
Courses until 2021.
Quality in teaching, learning and scientific research, and providing distinguished environmental services and consultations for the public and private sectors, relying on technology
Advanced information and global and regional classification standards

the message:
Education: Providing a solid and distinguished university education to raise a creative generation in its ideas and skills through an educational system.
University and two qualified teachers in the field of specialization.
Research: Providing a high-level research environment so that its professors, researchers and students can carry out research in the field.
environment to serve the community.
Leadership: Developing the leadership capabilities of the associates and students, and cultivating the capabilities of self-education, induction and conclusion.
So that he who possesses the talent in the field of the profession can lead the society in an honest manner.

Graduating engineers specialized in environmental sciences.
Producing scientific and applied research in the specialty of the department for the purpose of solving pollution problems.
Active participation in the renaissance and progress of society through holding seminars, conferences and continuing education.
Adopting the continuous improvement approach for all the various events and activities of the department to ensure the achievement of the mission and goals of the department.
Granting primary certificates in environmental specialization.